Espinosa Ordoñez, Michell Alexander2012-12-102012-12-102012-12-10 following text has three aspects to get to validate or refute the hypothesis ¿Is commercial space an architectural project? First, it clearly exposes that the concepts to apply to relate the commercial space with the architectural project, creating a theoretical framework to define and clarify the concepts of project, space and form, second, the article presents a historical review of the development of commercial space, emphasizing formal and spatial changes, third, states that it is necessary to determine that a project is a commercial space, with a representative example to interpret the conditions in what they are approached and commercial spaces designed besides you can give validity as a commercial project.esProyectoProyecto comercialFormaEspacioEspacio comercialExhibiciónIluminaciónModulaciónEl espacio comercial como proyecto arquitectónicoArticle